How to add Binance Smart Chain in Metamask?
How to add Binance Smart Chain - Metamask?

Step 1 - Install Metamask and most suitable browswer is Chrome. You have two options, either download it from below link or install Chrome Extensions
Step 2 - Remember to write down your Mnemonic, it is very very important. Do not store it in softcopy, write it down - Pen it down!!.. It is your private key.. If you loose this, you will never be able to restore your account
Step 3 - After you install and login into Metamask, you will see like below.
Step 4 - Go to Network section & choose "Custom RPC"
Step 5 - to add Mainnet - feed the following values
Step 6 - to add Testnet - Feed the following values
Step 7 - Get some mock BNB into your testnet using below link. Copy down your address and paste it here, you will see mock BNB in your testnet.
Now, you have BSC in your Metamask to play !
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