How to setup chainlink in Mac System
How to setup chainlink in Mac System

Pre-requisites to be done
Install Go 1.15, and add your GOPATH's bin directory to your PATH
Example Path for macOS
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
&export GOPATH=/Users/$USER/go
Install NodeJS 12.18 & Yarn
It might be easier long term to use nvm to switch between node versions for different projects:
nvm install 12.18 && nvm use 12.18
Install Postgres (>= 11.x).
You should configure Postgres to use SSL connection
Download Chainlink:
git clone && cd chainlink
Build and install Chainlink:
make install
If you got any errors regarding locked yarn package, try running
yarn install
before this step -
If you get error during make install with permission access apply this command
sudo chown -R ${whoami}:admin /usr/local/go/bin/
Run the node:
chainlink help
Postgres should have database chainlink_test created
Once all set, open up terminal and export these variable. Please note, the ETH_CHAIN_ID=1337 is for ganache. If you want to connect with mainnet or testnet, use appropriate ETH_CHAIN_ID. YOu can also update websocket URL to listen to
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://
export CHAINLINK_DEV=true # I prefer to use direnv and skip thi
export ETH_CHAIN_ID=1337 # for ganche
export ETH_URL=websocket url (replace it)
Once all set, run below command ->
Chaincode node start
It will ask you to set keystore password, nd it should be in below combinations.. 3 capital letters, 3 small letters, 3 numbers and 3 special characters.
That's it, you will be able to open GUI by localhost:6688
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Git clone ->
Setup Chainlink Node Using below command